Welcome to our Guest-book. This serves our online users as a tool where they can tell us what they think of the website. If you are having any problems, have any ideas on how to make the website better, etc; just write below.
tung tung shoki shum bukur webi po nje link i imi ku eshte siq eshte i yti tek metinet.tk
abu alaile
03/01/2007 at 1:47am (UTC)
sick site daug keep it up i like cuz of everything and showin ur really proud of ur country, not like some pussies when they go to another coutry they forget their back home, but me the same with u proud of ma country , peace out
pershendetje nga avniu per ty dhe miqet tuaj ke ber mjafgt wepin e mir suksese dhe veq perpara vazhdo por marrveshjen nuk po e respekton si bashkpuntor se paku dikun t jet linku im sieq esh i juaji te un sepse ashtu jemi marr vesh pershendetje nga avniu